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our stem mobiles

science   technology  engineering  mathematics

The Jaffa Institute launched the Science Mobile Program in 2018 to provide disadvantaged children from diverse backgrounds throughout Israel with engaging STEM education. Through this innovative program, RV trailers outfitted with cutting-edge technologies travel to the Jaffa Institute’s After-School Educational Enrichment Centers for at-risk youth, as well as to underserved public schools.

Each “STEM Mobile” vehicle accommodates 10 students, allowing the instructor to provide the small group of children with individualized feedback and support.


Participants are able to successfully complete increasingly complex projects despite their vast educational gaps, thereby building the children’s confidence in their ability to pursue a career in a STEM field. In addition to developing the children’s scientific skills, these lessons build their creativity, self-esteem, and motivation.

Support our STEM Mobiles today:

Dedication of the chemistry mobile
פועלים בקהילה שקוף לוגו

Bank Hapoalim supports

The Galileo STEM Mobile Program

in Yafo Dalet

* We are looking for named sponsers for the next 5+ years for the upkeep and maintence of a couple of the mobiles.

Science Mobile

The original Science Mobile is equipped with technologies such as 3D printers, laser cutting machines and robotics kits. The students learn how to use these devices to explore physics, robotics, geometry, electro-magnetics, measuring, fractions, temperature, and engineering.

Rolling Waves Mobile

The Rolling Waves Lab immerses students in the multifaceted world of waves mechanical, electromagnetic, and matter waves. Equipped with an array of tools like cameras, microphones, lighting, and software, the lab fosters hands-on exploration. Projects include constructing crystal radios, dissecting light spectrums with spectroscopes, or experimenting with Doppler effect games

Space Mobile

Congruent with the program’s overarching goals, the transformational Space Mobile contains interactive learning tools to broaden participants’ awareness of a variety of STEM subjects, including physics, chemistry, gravity, energy, solar systems, satellites, and spaceships.

Kitchen Mobile

The Kitchen Mobile provides participants with opportunities to discover the wonders of science through cooking. Staff facilitate cooking lessons on topics such as density, thermodynamics, protein denaturation, soluble solutions, measuring, fractions, the carbon cycle, cells, and more.


This vehicle's goal is to engage students in hands-on chemistry activities that increase their knowledge and confidence. The lab is outfitted with beakers, microscopes, and other equipment that will allow participants to conduct experiments.

Rolling Robotics Lab

The Robotics Lab strengthens skills in the field of developing logical thinking, thinking outside the box, problem-solving, and encourages creativity. Robotics makes learning a fun and enriching experience, and stimulates children's curiosity and motivation to learn and show interest in science and technology

The Rolling Robotics Lab was dedicated in memory of Msgt. (Res.) Constantine Sushko z"l,

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צרו קשר עם צוות המעבדות המתגלגלות

The Jaffa Institute has steadily expanded this innovative program over the years from one RV to several additional vehicles, focused on various STEM topics, which allow us to reach a far greater number of students.


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